====== Conduct and Themes ====== As a game associated with the [[http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rpgsoc/|Oxford University Role-Playing Games Society]], //Spirit// will be run in accordance with the Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy which can be found on the [[http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rpgsoc/policies.shtml|OURPGSoc website]]. It is expected that all GMs and players will be familiar with this policy when playing //Spirit//. Unlike typical society games, //Spirit// is a game of mystery, with almost no information about the setting available at game start. Nonetheless, potential players are entitled to be aware of any potentially unsettling themes that might feature in the game before choosing to play it, and it is not the wish of the GM team to obfuscate this information behind the excuse of 'spoilers'. As such, the lists below are fully comprehensive of the themes that may feature and will not feature in the game. We have tried to keep any accompanying descriptions as general as possible, and they should not spoil anything that will not become quickly apparent within the first turn of the game. Should you have any specific queries or want more detailed information about any aspect of this policy, please do contact [[gm@spirit.chaosdeathfish.com|the GMs]], and we'll be happy to provide additional clarification. Additionally, if there are any themes, listed on this page or not, that you would prefer to avoid, please let us know - while we can't guarantee you won't be exposed to such themes (especially where other players are involved), we will do our best to limit your exposure to them as much as possible. All such requests to the GM team will be strictly confidential, and can be made at any point in the course of the game. ===== Potentially sensitive themes that may occur ===== These topics may be present in //Spirit// to some degree. It is expected that you treat these subjects in an appropriate manner. * Discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion or faith * There is a theme of organised religion within the setting. This is not a real-world religion. It may be possible for PCs or others to be discriminated against based on whether they adhere to this religion or not: this should not, however, affect PCs' ability to engage in actions. We would ask players to please be sensitive to discrimination against real-world religions in conversations around this theme: e.g. the statement 'I think this [in-game] religion is nonsense' is fine, but 'I think anyone who believes in gods is an idiot' is not. * It is unclear at game start whether nationality is a concept that meaningfully applies to characters in //Spirit//. We do not anticipate discrimination of the basis of any real-world nationality being relevant to this game. * Mental illness * Mental illness is not a prominent theme of the game //per se//. However, we anticipate that certain character builds of [[Behaviours]] could be arranged to give some highly erratic or unstable patterns of IC behaviour, which could be interpreted as invoking this theme - for example, by accruing a large number of deeply contradictory Behaviours. We would ask players who find themselves in this position to be sensitive and respectful in their depictions of their characters. * Discrimination on the basis of physical disability or mental health condition * As above, we anticipate the potential for some characters to develop Behaviours in a fashion that could be interpreted through a lens of mental illness. While it is acceptable to discriminate against a character on the basis of their IC decisions, we would ask players to be sensitive and respectful in their response to such decisions in relation to this theme. * It is unclear at game start whether anything in this setting has a meaningful physical manifestation, and thus whether physical disability is a meaningful concept. In the event that physical interaction becomes meaningful, it is reasonable to expect that incurring physical disabilities becomes possible. We would ask that players act sensitively and respectfully should this occur. * Mind Control or other means of removing agency * Some forms of mind control exist within the setting, but are only applicable to some NPCs. At no point will PCs be under the influence of mind control. * Consensual sexual contact * It is unclear at game start whether sexual contact is a meaningful concept in this setting. In the event that a) it does become possible or b) inventive players find a proxy means that could reasonably be interpreted as sexual contact, these encounters must be consensual both IC and OC. * For the avoidance of any doubt, all PCs in //Spirit// are mentally adults. All NPCs are mentally adults unless explicitly stated otherwise when the character is introduced. * Self-harm * Extreme violence * Torture * Slavery ===== Banned themes ===== The following themes will not be present in //Spirit//. They must not be mentioned or otherwise introduced by players or GMs at any point. * Sexual assault, sexual coercion or any other form of non-consensual sex //(this applies to all OURPGSoc games)// * Sex with minors //(this applies to all OURPGSoc games)// * For the avoidance of any doubt, all PCs in //Spirit// are mentally adults. All NPCs are mentally adults unless explicitly stated otherwise when the character is introduced. * Use of real-world discriminatory slurs //(this applies to all OURPGSoc games)// * Extreme gore * Miscarriage and stillbirth * Discrimination on the basis of gender or sex * Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation e.g. homophobia * Discrimination on the basis of gender identity e.g. transphobia * Discrimination on the basis of real-world ethnicity or race * It is unclear at game start whether gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or real-world ethnicities or races meaningfully exist in the setting of //Spirit//. Should any of these concepts become meaningful during the course of the game, it does not make any IC sense for any character to be prejudiced on the basis of them. * Eating disorders * Forced abortion * Incest * Domestic Abuse * Genital Mutilation