Behaviours are the mechanism for character development in Spirit. Behaviours are not exactly the same as Skills in other games, since they describe an approach to life, and, as such, are neither wholly positive nor negative in how they will affect the outcomes of actions. Once your character gains a Behaviour, it is part of how they respond to the world - the GMs will incorporate the effects of Behaviours in turnsheet write-ups, and we would expect players to treat them as roleplaying effects in forum interactions and other uptime actions/attitudes/etc.
At game start, you will choose one Behaviour for your character, which you will define (subject to GM approval when your character is created). All Behaviours after this point will be chosen from a short list of options that a GM will provide you with following a turnsheet action or an Experience thread.
A turnsheet action will always result in your character gaining a Behaviour. Other ways of gaining Behaviours through Experience threads are optional. Characters with more Behaviours are not more powerful than others, merely more nuanced1) in their reactions to the world.
Behaviours gained from your previous turnsheet response and/or during an Uptime must be confirmed by the next turnsheet submission deadline (either by email or in the turnsheet), and will come into play during that turnsheet. If you wish to start roleplaying a new Behaviour immediately during uptime, you can do so once you have confirmed your choice to the GMs by email.
Behaviours can be simply described, or given more detail where necessary to describe the specific Behaviour. Behaviours are usually adjectives which describe how characters are likely to behave. Examples of the types of things which could be Behaviours are:
If you would like your character to develop towards (or away from) a specific type of Behaviour during a turnsheet action, we would encourage you to make this plain in the turnsheet. We cannot guarantee that this will succeed perfectly, but we will take the intention into account when considering possible Behaviours resulting from the action.
If characters are presented with a situation in which none of their Behaviours have any applicability, they will act rationally. If a Behaviour is applicable, this will affect how they respond to the situation.
It is entirely possible to take non-complementary, or indeed completely contradictory, Behaviours. You should expect potentially interesting results from doing this. Equally, it is possible to take the same or similar Behaviours multiple times, which will make this Behaviour likely to dominate over others.