With no idea how much time is left before 024's runaway car will crash into the Factory - potentially not only destroying a vast amount of infrastructure, but also killing those who were now within persistent bodies inside it, 032 reacts as soon as 024 reported the danger. They disconnect from the factory computer, stepping around Pinnacle, still working on a new body for 003. (From somewhere behind a machine, dark mutterings of 003 in a head on a stick continue, while Zeitgeist makes disapproving yapping noises.)
Running downstairs as quickly as possible, 032 heads out of the door of the factory and looks around. There… is that something? In the far distance, out beyond the mesa housing Shelter, a speck of dust… moving. Yes. That's got to be it. Moving fast.
With no time to waste, 032 jumps into the somewhat damaged car left by the factory entrance when they, 010, 016 and 019 returned from Shelter with 003 in 014's body. They accelerate in a wide circle, aiming to intercept 024's car and run parallel to it before it reaches the factory - hopefully for juuuuuust long enough for 032 to pull off their hastily-made plan. They manage to come alongside 024's car - inside, they can see a slumped body (presumably 024's), plus a lot of things that look like explosives - as it passes the mesa. It seems to be going at top speed, and 032 pushes their beaten and battered car to match the same speed so that they can attempt to jump from one to the other. A quick calculation implies there's about 5 minutes to pull this off before both cars slam into the factory.
Meanwhile, various Numbered have emerged from the Factory. 010 and 019 look around for a way to help, but with 032 already having taken the car there's not a lot they can do. 019 sends 010 to get as many boulders as possible in the short time remaining and bring them to 019, who piles them in a low wall a little way in front of the factory - if nothing else, this will hopefully minimise damage to the Factory by triggering the explosion a little way in front of it. Damage to 010 and 019's bodies will be another matter, however.
Behind them, 018 runs out of the factory on an orthogonal path to the car's arrival, clearly just trying to get themself as far away from any explosion as possible. 016 emerges too and runs off into the desert yelling “death! Deeeeeath! no more existence no more feeling NO KNEES never neverceasingalwaysbeing run run EVACUATE!!” 010, deciding that a slight remove from imminent explosion is the better part of valour, unfolds their wings and takes off, circling high into the sky above.
Ignoring such distractions, 032 brings their car as close as possible to 024's, trying to time the moment perfectly… and jump! Desperately, 032 grabs hold of 024's car, making it veer, and 024's body nearly flops out of the other side before 032 grabs it. One or two boxes of explosives do fall out and explode - thankfully the cars are going fast enough that the explosion just makes a small crater in the ground behind. 032 grabs the wheel, swerving the car as hard as they dare as the Factory approaches at full speed and 019 stares at them in horror and - and it's past. The car glances off the corner of the factory, striking sparks from the metalwork, but does not explode. Which is kind of the key thing. Behind it, 032's car smashes into the makeshift boulder wall, destroying both the wall and itself fairly comprehensively but doing no further damage.
032 looks at the controls on the dashboard. Braking…. gentlyyy…. yes, right, there we go, everything's slowing down nice and calmly… and stop.
024 suddenly wakes up, flails in panic and falls out of the side of the car.
“You're welcome!” remarks 032 under their breath.