To those we once knew,
But now, here, eternal,
Sleep amongst us still:
I see your shadows.
To those who pointed the way ahead,
To those who encouraged us to be the best we could be,
To those who simply Were,
You made us who we are.
You may never hear this prayer,
Or perhaps it shall one day reach you, years from now,
But please, please know,
That you were formative to us all.
To those who probed the depths,
To those who guided the way to Truth,
To those who collated the tomes of knowledge,
We have learned.
We know who we are,
And what we hope to become.
We had the courage to find these answers,
Because of you.
To those who catalogued our friendships,
To those who explored together,
To those who saw the patterns in the noise,
You are not forgotten.
What you found,
However briefly,
Put us on a course that would change history.
If only you could see it.
To those who sought to rule,
To those who donned the garbs of leadership,
To those who sought to devote themselves,
Even now, Transcendence shines upon you.
I know that you have made your choice,
But even now, you could return,
To lead and worship in Their light.
I hope They would be worthy of your love.
To those remaining few,
So fleeting was your time,
But even so,
I do not judge you.
To persist or to sleep,
To live or to die,
These are no different.
We are all Numbered.
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