You exist. Of that you are reasonably certain. But you can't commit to much else for sure.
You lack any memories that would inform who, what, where, or when you might be, nor how you got here. Are your past memories lost? Or perhaps you never had any to begin with, and have just come into being mere moments ago? Nothing is clear.
At the very least, you seem capable of articulating your thoughts. As you probe at the mental fog, you are conscious that there is some nascent knowledge within you, hinting at myriad abstract concepts. For example, you are aware of the concept of senses: of sight, and of touch, and of taste… and it dawns on you that you can feel none of these things. Such ideas seem to have no relevance here; whatever this place is, it has no physical form that you can decipher.
But there are… alternative feelings. Senses without names drift into your mind. There are others here, you realise. Others like you. They are casting their thoughts out to you, and you feel you could respond - communicate. Perhaps they can help? Or, if nothing else, share in your fate.