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how_to_play [2018/06/14 17:36]
how_to_play [2018/06/14 23:00] (current)
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 Experiences are not all like each other: some are stories in which there are only a few '​correct'​ options to move the story forwards, others are much more open and will allow players full control over the outcomes. The outcomes of these threads may not always be obvious. Some Experiences may appear straightforward,​ some may be very abstract. There is no right or wrong way to engage with these threads: we would especially note that you do not need to wait for a previous player’s post to be answered/​resolved before making new posts in these threads. The threads are not strictly linear in the time between GM posts, and will react to all decisions/​actions of players who engage with them during that time. In particular, if you disagree with something someone else is trying to do in an Experience thread, the correct course of action is to post what you would do instead, allowing the Experience to be shaped by the disagreement. Experiences are not all like each other: some are stories in which there are only a few '​correct'​ options to move the story forwards, others are much more open and will allow players full control over the outcomes. The outcomes of these threads may not always be obvious. Some Experiences may appear straightforward,​ some may be very abstract. There is no right or wrong way to engage with these threads: we would especially note that you do not need to wait for a previous player’s post to be answered/​resolved before making new posts in these threads. The threads are not strictly linear in the time between GM posts, and will react to all decisions/​actions of players who engage with them during that time. In particular, if you disagree with something someone else is trying to do in an Experience thread, the correct course of action is to post what you would do instead, allowing the Experience to be shaped by the disagreement.
-There will not be a fixed number of Experience threads per week: we are currently planning to run 2-3 per week but this will depend on plot requirements and GM availability. Once posted, Experience threads will usually stay open for around 2 days, and will receive regular GM updates at intervals while open, usually a minimum of 2-3 times per day. We will try to spread Experience threads across the uptime week to ensure people get the chance to engage with at least some. +There will not be a fixed number of Experience threads per week: we are currently planning to run 2-3 per week but this will depend on plot requirements and GM availability. Once posted, Experience threads will usually stay open for around 2 days, and will receive regular GM updates at intervals while open, usually a minimum of 2-3 times per day. We will try to spread Experience threads across the uptime week to ensure people get the chance to engage with at least some. Posting in an Experience thread does not remove you from the rest of the forum - while engaged in an Experience, you are still able to post in the Home board or even in other Experience threads.
 **Important Note**: it is a completely valid character development choice not to engage with these threads if you do not wish to gain additional Behaviours: this will not affect your ability to play the game. Since Behaviours can be both positive and negative in application,​ it is not intended that characters with more Behaviours should be ‘better’ in any way - it is just a characterisation choice. Experience threads are open for all to read, and remain so once closed. **Important Note**: it is a completely valid character development choice not to engage with these threads if you do not wish to gain additional Behaviours: this will not affect your ability to play the game. Since Behaviours can be both positive and negative in application,​ it is not intended that characters with more Behaviours should be ‘better’ in any way - it is just a characterisation choice. Experience threads are open for all to read, and remain so once closed.
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 Within this setting it is not possible to be uncontactable by other players. Your numerical ID is known to all (see [[character_creation#​character_naming_and_forum_conventions|here]]) and is the same as your email ID: i.e. the character identified by '​132'​ can be reached at Within this setting it is not possible to be uncontactable by other players. Your numerical ID is known to all (see [[character_creation#​character_naming_and_forum_conventions|here]]) and is the same as your email ID: i.e. the character identified by '​132'​ can be reached at
-Private communications to NPCs should be send to [[]],​ preferably with 'FAO: [NPC Name]' in the subject. If you are unsure whether a forum user you want to contact is an NPC, feel free to email us to ask.+Private communications to NPCs should be sent to [[]],​ preferably with 'FAO: [NPC Name]' in the subject. If you are unsure whether a forum user you want to contact is an NPC, feel free to email us to ask
 +=====Game Etiquette===== 
 +We would like everyone to have a fun and enjoyable time playing //Spirit//, but this is a group effort. While the following are not hard and fast rules, we would encourage all players: 
 +  * To keep in mind that every player differs in the quantity of time they are able to devote to the game. In particular, not everyone is able to make adjustments to their turnsheets right up until the last second of the turnsheet deadline - so if you need to communicate something groundbreaking to other players, try not to leave it to the last minute! 
 +  * To try to keep forum threads on topic in as far as is practical. The topic of discussion in any given thread may evolve naturally as it progresses, and this is fine, but unnecessary derailments,​ or the introduction of multiple different topics running concurrently within the same thread, can make forum discussions hard to parse. Players are encouraged to make new threads for new topics of discussion that arise within existing threads.
 =====Style Guide==== =====Style Guide====
 A short note: this game has definitely been influenced by other fictional sources, which we would like to acknowledge. At game start, however, listing them would unfortunately spoil some aspects of the plot. We’ll acknowledge them at debrief - until then, feel free to play in whatever style you feel like. A short note: this game has definitely been influenced by other fictional sources, which we would like to acknowledge. At game start, however, listing them would unfortunately spoil some aspects of the plot. We’ll acknowledge them at debrief - until then, feel free to play in whatever style you feel like.
how_to_play.1528997770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/14 17:36 by gm_susannah