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playground:playground [2018/08/12 22:41]
005 more ships
playground:playground [2018/09/15 23:57] (current)
016 [People Names]
Line 55: Line 55:
 Goodness - ⚖/🎼 \\ Goodness - ⚖/🎼 \\
 my5elf - 005/​005/​005/​005/​005 \\ my5elf - 005/​005/​005/​005/​005 \\
-Alternate faith - Transcendence/​Lying Wall+Alternate faith - Transcendence/​Lying Wall \\ 
 +Hate that I love you - 014/003\\ 
 +Free Love- 010/016\\ 
 +Is it Narcissism?​- 003/​003b/​003c/​...\\ 
 +Anagram - 029/022\\ 
 +Let sleeping gods lie - Behemoth/​029\\ 
 +Having seen that my post count was a multiple of 25, I realised that at the rate I'm going, it might be possible to reach 5*5*5*5 posts by the end of the game. 5<​sup>​5</​sup>​ would be nicer, of course, but that's similar to the overall number of posts currently in the game, so it might be slightly over-the-top. Doing random five-themed things has been fun, though. 
 +=== Character theme songs === 
 +  * 018- https://​​watch?​v=frAEmhqdLFs 
 +  * Human Spirit- http://​​escapekey/​Collars.mp3 
 +====Rejected ideas for Behaviours==== 
 +  * Enjoys masturbation 
 +  * Randomly shouts SUSANNAAAAH 
 +  * Spontaneously breaks into songs by Britney Spears 
 +  * Currently experiencing appendicitis 
 +  * Expresses particular ideas about mascots 
 +  * Serpenty 
 +  * Follows the Bread Aksioms 
 +  * Is a pirate 
 +  * Cursed by Luck 
 +  * Craves Blood 
 +  * Kinkshames 
 +====People Names==== 
 +Sooooooo I don't wanna sound like I'm trying to convert everyone (even though you REALLY should consider becoming a Priest 'cuz its FUN), but I have a question!! 
 +If you were a Priest/​Priestess/​Heretic,​ what would your People Name be? (e.g. 009 = Nina, 014 = Florentine, 032 = Otto Tutu) 
 +  * Apostate Tofu 
 +  * Penta Penta Penta Penta Penta 
 +OMG I literally just got why you chose Nina and Florentine! I thought they were random names! ​ (Timestamp: 16/09/2018, 00:57)
playground/playground.1534113671.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/12 22:41 by 005