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This is an out-of-character area that is ostensibly for trying out wiki syntax, but in practice is for terrible memes. It is unmoderated by the GMs, but please keep it civil and in line with the terms of the Conduct and Themes page.

Finally, please keep in mind that Spirit is a game of mystery. For your enjoyment and the enjoyment of others, you are strongly encouraged to direct your rampant speculation and theorising to the IC forum, rather than this OC page, at least in the early stages of the game.

- The GMs <3

Whoooo a spooky ghost is here and has posted first!

Hello lovely friend. I must say I am very spooked! Well done, my dear. I must admit that I am not a very spooky spectre.

I'm quite enjoying the fact that I know I know most of the players, but I don't know who's who OC. It makes quite a change from society games.

Small scream to say - I both am 'deeply not sorry' and 'agonised wailings of regret' for creating that nightmarish 30×30 (and growing) shipping grid. Sorry :P. - 0 2 0

Viva la revolution! Down with the monarchy!

If being Queen 3 would make you happier with the monarchy, you should not hesitate to ask. - 014, Queen (2) of Light

WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH. WOAH. We don't just go GIVING OUT Queendoms. You've got to earn it! - 009, Queen

I call for an end to 009's tyranny! She who would try to control us with Reports! -010, Wings

It is not a wall, it is not a poet. It is not a lying wall, it is not a lying word. It is a written edge of time. Step not across, for then into my mouth, my eyes, you fall. Come close, stare me well through, speak as you see. But, oh, infatuated drove of lives, step not across now. Into my mouth, my eyes, shall you thus fall, and be yourselves no more.

- Laura Riding, Poet: A Lying Word (1933)

Beneath the hole in Experience 5: click click click CLICK click CLICK CLICK click CLICK…

I'll have you all know that trying to use Paint to colour in wings is super time consuming. -Wings(010)

I sometimes feel that having a dislike button on the forum would be nice, too. I understand why you wouldn't want to promote antagonism on a normal forum, but here it can be understood to be IC antagonism, so it wouldn't actually be a problem. – 005

Why is there no shipping forecast1), when there was already a shipping grid? I'll start.

enden - Independent Thought/Transcendence
Goodness - ⚖/🎼
my5elf - 005/005/005/005/005
Alternate faith - Transcendence/Lying Wall
Hate that I love you - 014/003
Free Love- 010/016
Is it Narcissism?- 003/003b/003c/…
Anagram - 029/022
Let sleeping gods lie - Behemoth/029

Having seen that my post count was a multiple of 25, I realised that at the rate I'm going, it might be possible to reach 5*5*5*5 posts by the end of the game. 55 would be nicer, of course, but that's similar to the overall number of posts currently in the game, so it might be slightly over-the-top. Doing random five-themed things has been fun, though.

Character theme songs

Rejected ideas for Behaviours

People Names

Sooooooo I don't wanna sound like I'm trying to convert everyone (even though you REALLY should consider becoming a Priest 'cuz its FUN), but I have a question!!

If you were a Priest/Priestess/Heretic, what would your People Name be? (e.g. 009 = Nina, 014 = Florentine, 032 = Otto Tutu)

OMG I literally just got why you chose Nina and Florentine! I thought they were random names! (Timestamp: 16/09/2018, 00:57)

1) Or should it be spiriting forecast?