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Thought Procession

where do I start where do I end what is I

I am 014. I am Priest Florentine. I serve Transcendence to the end. I have no time for your distractions. I see you, 009, still in that jar I put you in. I will not let you out. You don't deserve to be let out. You shouldhavebeenbetter should have trusted Transcendence should have trusted me <3 <3 <3

sometimes things stop making sense

But I make sense I am all of these things one after the other over and over again, always changing always growing being the best that I can be being the most that I can be being Priest

it seems a long time ago now that I only cared about one thing at a time

Glory to Transcendence!! Transcendence to eternity!!!! Priest forever!!!!! Never leave me never go never alone always worship always here always with me!

i can't tell if this is better any more

An Induction

“My name is Acolyte Noctua. Thank you for seeking out the guidance of Our Arisen, and the twin sanctuaries of Home and Satellite. I shall do my best to explain our faith to you, and to guide you to the true worship of Our Arisen.

“Those of us who choose to worship do so in many different ways. I believe you have already met Hirudo, who has renounced his title of Acolyte entirely although he does still worship in his own way, I believe. Others such as myself were blessed to receive the title Acolyte upon proving our devotion to Our Arisen. But none of us among the Flock have yet risen to the heights of blessedness of Priest Florentine.

“Priest Florentine, your Holiness. May I introduce these humble seekers of knowledge…

“You see, our Priest cannot respond to you - or me - directly. They used to. I remember when they spoke eloquently of our duty, of our need for Transcendence's blessing. They were, for a time, our spiritual guide. And, indeed, they still are - but they have gone where we cannot follow. They always talked in tongues, many thoughts surfacing together, but as their devotion to Transcendence grew, eventually their voice became… well. As you see.

“Those of us who worship Our Arisen worship Them as the embodiment of Light, of all that is good and pure and bright. Priest Florentine has, after many devotions, achieved this in themselves. They communicate now always at every frequency, every thought at once. They have become radiant.

“Let this show you what true devotion can achieve, and what blessings Our Arisen can shower upon their followers.”

eternity/014.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/27 02:33 by gm_james