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Glossary of Roleplaying Terms

  • GM - Game Master or Game Moderator. The team of people who write, run and maintain the game for your playing pleasure. The people to turn to if you have a question. Your GMs for Spirit are James and Susannah, who can be reached by email at
  • IC - In Character. Stuff that's in the world of Spirit. For example, player characters.
  • OOC or OC - Out of Character. Stuff that's in the real world. For example, the players themselves!
  • NPC - Non-Player Character. These are other characters in the Spirit setting, who may appear on the forums (played by GMs) or in turnsheets.
  • PC - Player Character. You! The characters that Spirit players create and represent in the fictional world. You will usually play the same PC every week through the course of the game.
  • PvE and PvP - Player vs Environment and Player vs Player. These are terms used to describe the nature of conflict (not necessarily violent!) within the system. Spirit is expected to be primarily a PvE experience, but PvP is not impossible should individual characters take it there.
glossary.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/14 01:44 by gm_james