GM - Game Master or Game Moderator. The team of people who write, run and maintain the game for your playing pleasure. The people to turn to if you have a question. Your GMs for Spirit are James and Susannah, who can be reached by email at
IC - In Character. Stuff that's in the world of Spirit. For example, player characters.
OOC or OC - Out of Character. Stuff that's in the real world. For example, the players themselves!
NPC - Non-Player Character. These are other characters in the Spirit setting, who may appear on the forums (played by GMs) or in turnsheets.
PC - Player Character. You! The characters that Spirit players create and represent in the fictional world. You will usually play the same PC every week through the course of the game.
PvE and PvP - Player vs Environment and Player vs Player. These are terms used to describe the nature of conflict (not necessarily violent!) within the system. Spirit is expected to be primarily a PvE experience, but PvP is not impossible should individual characters take it there.
glossary.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/14 01:44 by gm_james